This métagabbro was deformed as it moved away from the Oceanic Rift, during the cooling of the Oceanic Crust (point 2 on the Path). It shows the trace of a planar structure (= foliation which is perpendicular to the plane of the photo). The brown magmatic pyroxenes (Cpx), more or less flattened into an almond shape in this plane. They are not in equilibrium with the plagioclase (Pl) from which they are separated by a black mineral, hornblende (Hb), clearly visible under the microscope:
Hornblende is a brown amphibole under the microscope; it completely surrounds pyroxene and separates it from plagioclase. It is formed ...
... according to the reaction Prx + Pl + H2O = Hb. Water (H2O) is required, because amphibole is a hydrated mineral. (microphotographies in plane polarised light)
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